This blog is a platform for those several thousands of undocumented and documented Zimbabweans living in the United Kingdom who either:
- wishing to express themselves by telling their own story and journey in the UK, or
- having tried high and low to regularise their immigration status only to be met with repeated obstacles
can come together, participate and share their migrant experience.
The blog is also for those who wish to contribute to, and effect real and fundamental change by raising awareness to the plight of long-suffering Zimbabweans who face removal to a country that is poverty stricken, perennially verging on economic collapse, beset by political upheavals and plagued by a blatant disregard of the rule of law.
Contributions to blog content from lawyers, solicitors, barristers, volunteers and other experts in the field of immigration and asylum are valued and those wishing to make this blog their home are most welcome.